Wow, the 2010 Christmas season is upon us! This year is another year that has just whizzed by.
It looks like we will be down to only one child home for Christmas this year. That will be a big difference. I remember what it was like when we were down to 3 and then 2. Thankfully, Kittie’s fiancé will be joining us so that will be nice.
Kittie is still interning at Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Regina, SK. It stretches her in all kinds of new ways. She will be done in April. Wedding plans are well under way for their wedding on May 7th.
Sunnie has been hired by a Christian school as a special education teacher’s aid there in Rimby. She loves it and especially loves learning the therapy techniques and then working with the children.
Heather is attending a Beth Moore conference as I write this. She and many of our friends in the Black Hills are all gathering for the 2 day conference. I am praying for a great blessing for all of them!!
Sara is hosting the Robinson family Thanksgiving in the States on Monday (a day they can all get together). Thanksgiving is always the saddest holiday for me. First of all we are not having Thanksgiving here (as it is the first week of October) and Secondly half of the family is in Canada (not celebrating) while the other half is in the States celebrating.
Josh and Meg hosted a huge Robinson family get together at their place last Christmas and we were all able to be there!! That was a blast!! They had a rent a big community room for all of us though. We were 18 in all and since then (as of May) we will have added 3 more to the family! So far we are a family of 21.
We are loving ministry more each year. God has brought new folks into our lives that truly desire to be discipled. He has brought a couple of new families into the church which added greatly to our children’s ministry. He has brought us help in our children’s ministries, something we lacked for a great number of years. We are seeing spiritual growth in many folks. That in itself is a huge blessing to us!
Speaking of blessings, has blessed us in too many ways to be able to number. We know we can trust Him because His will is always perfect..what more could we ask for except to be able to know and desire Him more! I am excited for what the Lord will be doing in our church and in our familes this coming year. God is so good. Praise His Name!!