Wow, it is almost September!! The weather has changed here in Manitoba. Our nights are very cool (We were near frost the other day) and the days are cooler as well. It has been a very short summer considering summer does not really start until July 1st when the kids are out of school and the weather finally warms enough to feel WARM!
We have had so much rain this summer, we were not able to get a garden in because of that,and I really miss not having one. I did grow some lettuce, zucchini and a pepper plant on my deck. The pepper plant is ding outrageously well!! Better than any I have tried to grow in the garden. I plan to bring it inside at night when it begins to frost soon.
I am so excited to go camping. Jeff and I will be going to Assessippi about an hour and a half from here. Close enough to get back if something happens in the church and remote enough to be completely by ourselves. We are camping for 3 nights in a yurt. A yurt is a round tent/cabin (mostly made of canvas). Something new for us to try!!
Jeff has been away all week. He took 5 holidays from the church to work on a bridge in Saskatchewan. Then I leave on the 3rd to go stay with Sara and family as they await the arrival of little Jace Nicholas Colling. Jace will arrive via c-section on the 13th. Jeff will arrive on Sunday night (late) the 12th to be there for the birth.
Jace is named after my father "Nicholas". His brother, Caleb Jeffery was named after...well, you know who. Jace will be our 9th grandchild.
Our youngest one moved away to Alberta this month. Kittie is attending Prairie Bible College and it starts today.
We know she will do well, but a mother's heart still grieves the separation. Her daddy even shed a few tears over her leaving the nest. We now have two children living in Alberta and 3 children living in South Dakota. We still have children in our home though, thanks to daycare.
Vacation Bible School just ended a week or so ago...we had 85 kids!! It was such a blessing. We had a big get-together on the Friday evening for the parents and families. Please keep these children in your prayers, it is our prayer that many seeds were planted!!
Adventure Club and Boy's Club plus the weekly Bible study in the town north of here start back up soon. Ladies Study will go from every 2 weeks (summer) to every week.
Well, that about catches up the blog for the summer. Hoping everyone has a great Fall as they walk daily with the Lord!!
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